
...Birkelis gode sider

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Birklids in USA

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The house on the preirie
The house on the prairie, but who's?

This section of the Birkelisidene (Birkeli pages) is meant to be the place for stories and history of the emigrated three sons of Johanna and Lars Jonsen, Eilert, Jacob, and Elias, and their posterity.

In the MENY you'll find pointers to pages for the three branches, but also to a page with a list of links to web sites with content related to Birklids, and to an album in the Galleri Birkeli dedicated for Birklids in USA pictures.

All kinds of contributions to, or comments about these pages are highly welcome, preferably by email to Denne e-postadressen er beskyttet mot programmer som samler e-postadresser. Du må aktivere JavaScript for å kunne se adressen .

Unfortunately we are unable to get English text in headings, lables etc.

Sist oppdatert tirsdag 11. desember 2012 23:43  
Antall ganger lest: 15325